Prompt Guide

What is a prompt?

A prompt is basically how you talk to the model in order to get the answers. It's a small piece of text, describing an object, person or scene and our model understands it and makes it into art forms you asked.

Imagine you're ordering a real artist to make a painting for you. What you tell them? That is a prompt. The following are images and their prompts!

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ultra realistic illustration of a young beautiful woman, intricate, elegant, sharp focus, smooth edges, highly detailed, trending on artstation, digital painting, art by artgerm, greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha

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a young beautiful woman with short black hair wearing a green sweater, 1980's vibe, film grain, polaroid, analog photo, sunset, a street in the background

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a young beautiful woman wearing a leather jacket, analog photo, cyberpunk vibe, fujifilm xt3, iso 500

How can I write a good prompt?

As you can see in our earlier examples, prompts include information about the main subject, which can be something like a young beautiful woman and then, we added our desirable additions on top. Such as lighting and genre. To make it more understandable, we provide a simple example.

Imagine a very simple prompt such as a mountain at the distance . Following photos are basically how we've modified the prompt in order to make it a usable and beautiful photo.

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a mountain at the distance

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a mountain at the distance, sunset, cloudy, gloomy vibes

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a mountain at the distance, sunset, cloudy, gloomy vibes, stock photo, unsplash 0

As you can clearly see, adding more details to the prompt like environmental changes, lighting, camera model, art genre, etc. could help us make a better image. For art work such as oil painting, you also can add the artist name. Another option can be the name of software or company producing the art work which can be applied to 3D renders or video game arts.

What is negative prompt?

It is the opposite of your prompt! Imagine you made a portrait of a person and our model made it with blue eyes. What can you do? You simply put blue eyes in your negative prompts and then, it will remove it from the new picture you're generating.

More examples

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an astronaut riding a horse, digital painting, trending on artstation, art by greg rutkowski

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a viking king wearing ancient armor, concept art, octane render, dark fantasy, trending on artstations

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lowpoly 3d render of an apple, cartoonish, rendered by pixar

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a volkswagen beetle in the streets of london, pixel art

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a portrait of a warrior, anime, studio ghibli

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a woman dancing around fire, watercolor painting, impressionist, art by van gogh